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ThirtyFifty's Level 2 Wine Flash Cards

ThirtyFifty has written 800 Flash Card questions to help our students pass the WSET Level 2 Award in Wines. The Flash Cards are available to any student to access online for a fee of £15. The Flash Card questions are based on the current WSET Level 2 Award in Wines syllabus and are organised by the chapters of the course text book so that you can use them as you read the book. Alternatively, you can select the Flash Cards at random to test and reinforce your knoweldge.

How to use the Flash Cards

We suggest you begin by selecting individual Chapters to study. You can then rate each Flash Card as Easy, Medium or Hard (the default is set to Medium) so that you can control which Flash Cards you see (e.g. fewer easy ones!). Once you have been through the Chapter, you can try a random selection of questions for that Chapter, to test yourself, based on the level of difficulty you have set.

Flash Cards

If you are a ThirtyFifty student or have already purchased the Flash Cards, please sign in below to access online.

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Paid-for Flash Cards

If you are not studying with ThirtyFifty and you wish to purchase the Level 2 Flash Cards for a fee of £15, please make your purchase below. This will give you online access for a period of 12 months.

Level 2 Award in Wines: 800 Flash Cards - £15
LEVEL 2 Award in Wines: 800 Flash Cards. Valid for 12 months.
COST  £15 Buy


Level 2 Wine Flash Cards

Our Flash Cards have been written to be used in two modes. Initially we recommend using "Follow the Book" mode, (the button to the right of each chapter). The Flash Cards are ordered as they appear in the WSET course text book. As you read each chapter's sub-section, test yourself with the flash cards. As you go, rate each flash card as hard, medium or easy. 'Easy' questions are the ones you already knew the answer to before reading the chapter. 'Hard' questions are flash cards that you think you will have trouble remembering. Everything else stays set to 'Medium'.

The "Random Card mode" can be accessed by selecting the chapters you want to use, then select the button at the top. You can then select the difficulty for questions to display.

For more information how you can study with the flashcards see our study guide.

cornor arrow
Follow the book
3:  Pairing Wine and Food
3:  Storage and Service of Wine
4:  Grape Growing
5:  Winemaking
6:  Pinot Noir
7:  Zinfandel
8:  Riesling
9:  Chenin Blanc, Semillon & Furmint
10: Chardonnay
11: Sauvignon Blanc
12: Pinot Gris / Pinot Grigio
13: Gewurztraminer, Viognier & Albariño
14: Merlot
15: Cabernet Sauvignon
16: Syrah / Shiraz
17: Gamay
18: Grenache / Garnacha
19: Tempranillo
20: Carmenere, Malbec & Pinotage
21: Cortese, Garganega, Verdicchio & Fiano
22: Nebbiolo, Barbera & Corvina
23: Sangiovese & Montepulciano
24: Sparkling Wine
25: Fortified Wine

All Flash Cards are based on the latest WSET Level 2 Wine specification and the course book "Wines: Looking behind the label". These Flash Cards have been created independently of the Wine and Spirit Education Trust (WSET), the governing body for the courses.

Tools to improve your tasting skills and pass the WSET L3 Award in Wines Tasting Paper, from £10.

Wine Tasting Guide »

Our clients say...

I thought the questions were excellent, an extremely valuable revision tool. They really helped highlight areas I thought I had revised and understood but clearly had not, which has enabled me to focus on key areas to revisit and study before going into the exam... I think it is a great resource and an essential revision aid for any WSET 3 students wishing to gain a competitive edge and successfully pass the WSET 3 exam.

Gini (Australia) - WSET Level 3 Question

I just wanted to say a big thanks for your great attitude and professional, straightforward tuition which helped me pass the exam with distinction.   It was a great course with a happy end!

Filip - WSET Level 3